2021 Jurors
On behalf of all of us at the Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Foundation of British Columbia and the LEO AWARDS, we would like to extend a special thank you to all of our jurors – many of whom spent upwards of eight weeks screening and adjudicating over 1100 eligible entries. They exemplify the spirit of community service and we are grateful for their care and consideration while deliberating.
Allan Harmon

Anaïsa Visser

Anne Wheeler

Carol Whiteman

Catherine De Paula

Christine Blanchette

Dan Miller

Daryl Bennett

David House

David Lewis

Derek Bird

Diana Donaldson

Donna Wong-Juliani

Eli Bennett

Eric Hogan

Erin Mussolum

Fiona Vroom

Gabriel Napora

Glen Schachowskoj

Haydn Wazelle

Ian Merkel

Jacqueline Samuda

Jason Cermak

Jenn MacLean-Angus

John Taylor

Jovanna Huguet-Burke

Kaare Andrews

Kalyn Miles

Kari Rust

Katherine Montagu

Kelly-Ruth Mercier

Larry MacDonald

Laura Adkin

Lecily Corbett

Lisa Durupt

Lucie Guest

Meagan Oravec

Michael Lyons

Michelle Godoy Priske

Moe Curtin

Oliver Rice

Paul Armstrong

Paula Elle

Paula Hoffman

Rachel Talalay

Red Heartbreaker

Rob Meekisam

Robert Ingram

Roy Hayter

Russ Dionne

Sandy Gow

Tajana Prka

Talitha Cummins

Tara Hungerford

Tarique Qayumi

Tim Marlow

Walter Daroshin

Zlatina Pacheva

Celebrating Excellence in British Columbia Film & Television since 1999
Our Mission

The Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Foundation of British Columbia
is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to celebrate and promote the achievements of the British Columbia film, television and web-based media industry through the presentation of an annual awards program.

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